Catering Barcelona
Catering Barcelona


Catering for Weddings, Events and Companies in Barcelona

L’Esclusivita Catering began in Barcelona in 2010, both as the final destination for catering of the highest quality, as well as an exquisite tracte and becoming a referent in the catering sector in Barcelona. Both a high level of personalization and adaptability, seek the maximum satisfaction of our clients through a careful selection of all our products, a careful production and an elegant and exquisite service, which will make the seva catering an unbeatable development.

Havíem to be a deluxe restaurant of poques taules, amb treat exquisit, gastronomy of the first line but in catering. But now we will have to adopt the philosophy of exclusivity, realizing a sun is redemption per day so that it allows us to work in a different way than most. At l’Esclusivitá Catering volem fer del seu isdeveniment a unique and unrepeatable experience. Partim with a team of more than 18 years of experience in the catering sector in Barcelona, ​​following the evolution of the hospitality industry in catering with the millors professionals of the sector. It is for this that the nostre repeats is to carry the kitchen of the restaurant there on vostè vulgui millorant the current gastronomic level that has adapted to the market adapting us to qualsevol schedules or typology of service, gastronomic modality or cap de l’esdeveniment in particular, which Requires a high quality catering.

In these types of events, it is always a meeting of people who are esteemed and which increases the emotional level of the mateix and also the severe demand. Anniversaries to surprise your friends and family, dolços batejos and comunions, reunions with your dear esteems, etc. ens plauria molt collaborate in the seva catering.

We specialize in catering for homes, catering for companies or in organizing the world’s largest catering for your events.


Our gastronomy



“Let an event become an unforgettable event. May an unforgettable event be remembered for its exquisite flavors. And that its exquisite flavors fall in love with the palate of the most demanding. These three factors mark the differentiating point of any event.”



We work with all types of clients.

Our diversity helps us bring new perspectives and creative solutions to each new challenge.